Why Is My Vape Pen Not Charging?

It doesn't matter if your vape pens aren't charging. There is good news. A vape pen that doesn't charge correctly can usually be fixed because there is usually nothing wrong with either the battery or the device. Sometimes, a vape device that doesn't charge is due for replacement. Most of the time, however, you only need to have a better understanding about the issue. This step-by-step guide will explain everything you need about vaping that doesn't charge.

Understanding Your Vape Pen's Indicator light

Troubleshooting a vape device that isn’t charging is the first step. The indicator light on a vape pen can be set to charge in many different ways.

  • Some lights turn red while charging, and then change to green or white once charging is complete.

  • Some lights turn on when charging is completed and some are turned off when it's finished.

  • Some lights turn solid after charging, while others pulse during charging.

It's possible your new vape pen's indicator light won't turn on when it charges. This can be determined by looking at the instruction manual. You may not have any problems with your new device.

Is the Vape Pen not lighting up while charging?

A vape pen's charge light will turn on in almost all cases. If your vape pen doesn't glow when connected to your computer, it is likely that it isn't charging. However, this is a good sign that the device is charging properly.

Take the battery cable off the vape pen and use it. Is it possible to vape? If the answer is no, your device may be disabled. You can usually turn your vape pen on or off by pressing the fire button five fast.

If your vape pen is not turning on or off, and it's a removable-battery device, you need to open the device to verify that the battery has been installed correctly. Check that the indicator on your battery door matches the positive or negative terminals of the battery. If the battery doesn't charge or turns on, it's time to replace it. It may be time for a new vape pen if the battery is not removable. Both of these topics will be discussed in detail soon.

Vape Pen Isn't Charging but Light Is Green?

Most vape pens today have USB ports to charge and don't use proprietary charging cables. However, there are some devices that use proprietary chargers. If that is the case for your vape pen it is possible that both the charger and the device have indicator lights. It is possible for your charger to be red while your vape pen is green.

The red light on the charger means that it is charging the battery. The green light on your vape pen means that the battery has fully charged. You should make sure you are connecting the charging cable directly to your computer, and not to a third party wall adapter. Make sure your charger and vape pen have clean threading. These topics will be discussed in greater detail shortly. If the vape pen is still not charging, it is likely that the battery has failed to charge properly and needs replacement.

Learn How to Charge a Vape Correctly

If you want to avoid problems with your vape pen's battery, it is essential to understand how to properly charge it. If your manufacturer does not provide a car or wall charger that is specifically designed for your device, it is best to charge your vape device using a USB port. To quickly charge a battery, USB adapters for cars or wall outlets use higher-than-normal charging currents. High-speed charging is possible for tablets and mobile phones, but not for vaping devices. The device could overheat if it is connected to a charger not meeting the specifications. This can cause the battery to fail or reduce its life.

You can remove the removable battery from a vape pen and charge it with an external charger.